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Silverstream Reserve

Silverstream Reserve is located in a rural setting near the settlement of Clarkville, in the Waimakariri District, North Canterbury.  It is four kilometres north from the boundary of Christchurch City and seven kilometres to the south-west of the township of Kaiapoi.


The 52-hectare reserve, spanning two sites, has been replanted with more than 50,000 native plants, along the stream and under larger trees.

The East End site is 28 hectares in size and contains a mixture of wetland and dry land plants. This site is home to the rare gratiola sextendata wetland plant, and Muehlenbeckia axillaris (creeping pōhuehue) which is host to the native boulder copper butterfly.


The West End site is 23 hectares in size and hosts a more mature mixture of wetland and dryland plants with majority of plantings being wetland plants that follow the stream.

Silverstream is known for fishing and is significant to local Maori for mahinga kai (food gathering and its associated cultural values).


An off-road car park is located on South Eyre Road, 1.5 kilometres from the Tram Road turn-off. This provides for easy access into Silverstream East Reserve.

Dog status: On a leash

Plants and wildlife

Silverstream Reserve is a place of unique biodiversity – home to the native boulder copper butterfly, tuna and native skinks as well as rare native wetland plants.
The pre-human ecosystem at Silverstream was a dynamic mosaic of dry river terraces and wetlands.

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Our projects

There are many projects running at Silverstream Reserve. They include the planting and maintenance of thousands of native trees, predator control, denitrification trails, biodiversity monitoring and more.

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Getting there

Silverstream Reserve – East End
161 South Eyre Road, Clarkville, Canterbury

Silverstream Reserve – West End
431 Heywards Road, Clarkville, Canterbury

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Get involved

There is always something to do at Silverstream Reserve!

No matter your age or fitness level, if you’re interested in the development of Silverstream Reserve or the biodiversity of the Canterbury plains we’d love to hear from you.

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